Rabu, 26 April 2017

How To Make Simple Slime


Hello guys, my lovely readers, hehehe
I’m came back again… Of course with recent posts containing important information hehe
Well, for this post, I want to share some tutorial to make slime.
Okay, now days, the slime become a trending topic around the world,
So, for friends who are curious how to make simple slime, here the tutorial
Check it out

What You Need:
·         School glue
·         Borax ( Sodium tetraborate )
·         Food Coloring (optional)
·         Water
·         Two bowls

What You Do:
1.      In one bowl mix 1 oz. glue (about ¼ of the glue bottle) and ¼ cup water. If you want colored slime, add food coloring to the glue and water mixture. Lift some of the solution out of the container with the stir stick and note what happens.
2.      Add ¼ cup of  Sodium Tetrabore ( borax )  Solution to the glue and water mixture and stir slowly.
3.      The slime will begin to form immediately. Lift some of the solution with the stir stick and observe how the consistency has changed from Step 1.
4.      Stir as much as you can, then dig in and knead it with your hands until it gets less sticky. This is a messy experience but is necessary because it
allows the two compounds to bond completely. Don't worry about any
leftover water in the bowl; just pour it out.
5.      When not in use, store the slime in a plastic bag in the fridge to keep it
from growing mold.

What happened
The glue has an ingredient called polyvinyl acetate, which is a liquid polymer. The borax links the polyvinyl acetate molecules to each other, creating one large, flexible polymer. This kind of slime will get stiffer and more like putty the more you play with it. Experiment with different glues to see if they create slime (e.g., carpenter glue, tacky glue, etc.).

Okay guys,, I hope this tutorial can be useful for readers

Bye bye, wait for the next post, okay?? GBU

Selasa, 11 April 2017

Ask and Expert

Mrs Sinta, a talented tailor

Hello everyone, I want to introduce someone who is talented in sewing hehehe
Check it out
Her name is Sinta, but people usually call her Mbak Sinta. She is my neighbor. My family often asks for her help to sewing clothes. She is very talented in sewing clothes, so she has a lot of customers.
There were some questions I asked to her, and I will just write it for you below.
Jeny ( J )                                  : Good afternoon mbak Sinta. Sorry if my arrival interfere you. I just want to know, mbak Sinta themselves included in a craftsman or an entrepreneur?
Mbak Sinta ( MS )      : Good Afternoon. Oh No problem, I do not happen to be busy. Myself arguably craftsmen and entrepreneurs because of my own tailor fabrics and resell these results.
J                                   : Mbak expertise gained from where? At the beginning, it was where?
MS                              : This expertise I can of descent, because to be honest this expertise includes talent .And very difficult if you need to exercise .Because also from the little I began to learn from parents.
J                                   : Capital's own Mbak Sinta come from?
MS                              : Already from the capital since the beginning of the effort. It goes on. Most just need a cloth and thread capital Because the tools itself is derivative.
J                                   : If the turnover itself has reached what Mbak ?
MS                              : The turnover itself has since long ago , once even to no avail because the selling price could only return on investment and achieve profitability .If difficult now also uncertain, have now already rare tailor painstaking. At least in the manufacture of some of the clothes reached 80 thousand.
J                                   : For this own marketing how Mbak? Do disorder or what?
MS                              : If it's marketing agent take Already fabric that's been so good .But in stores or on the market also exists the fabric agent my Because now there is also a fourth agent remains.
J                                   : Thank you willing to be interviewed by me and sorry I disturbed the activities of mbak sinta
MS                              : Okay, no problem

Okay readers, I hope thi interview can inspires you….

Thank You, GBU